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联想力压苹果 在美个人电脑销量仅次于惠普与戴尔【大发welcome乐彩】

作者:大发购彩welcome登录入口时间:2025-02-05 14:22 次浏览


Gartner and IDC don’t always agree, but on this they are united: Apple was overtaken in U.S. PC sales in the second quarter o...

本文摘要:Gartner and IDC don’t always agree, but on this they are united: Apple was overtaken in U.S. PC sales in the second quarter of 2014 by Lenovo.低德纳(Gartner)与国际数据公司(IDC)经常观点有所不同,但在这一点上,他们的意见是完全一致的,那就是:2014年二季度,误解(Lenovo)在美国的个人电脑销量多达了苹果(Apple)。

Gartner and IDC don’t always agree, but on this they are united: Apple was overtaken in U.S. PC sales in the second quarter of 2014 by Lenovo.低德纳(Gartner)与国际数据公司(IDC)经常观点有所不同,但在这一点上,他们的意见是完全一致的,那就是:2014年二季度,误解(Lenovo)在美国的个人电脑销量多达了苹果(Apple)。There are a few caveats worth mentioning (see below), but there’s no getting around the fact that Lenovo — a Chinese company founded in Beijing in 1984 — is on a tear.在此,有几点值得一提(见下文),但一个不能规避的事实是,误解作为一家1984年在北京正式成立的中国公司,发展非常快速增长。

o It bought IBM’s personal computer business in 2005 and by 2013 had become the world’s largest PC vendor by unit sales.o 误解于2005年并购了IBM的个人电脑业务,并在2013年沦为全球销量最低的个人电脑厂商。o It entered the smartphone business in 2012 and is already the largest vendor of smartphones in mainland China.o 误解于2012年开始投身于智能手机业务,目前已沦为中国大陆地区仅次于的智能手机厂商。o It has agreed to take off Google’s GOOG -0.86% hands a storied U.S. brand – Motorola Mobility — picking up for $2.91 billion the better part of a company for which Google paid $12.5 billion just two years ago.o 误解已表示同意耗资29.1亿美元,从谷歌(Google)手中并购著名美国品牌摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)的大部分资产。


This is a deeply ironic turn of events. IBM IBM -0.38% got out of the PC business because the margins on Windows boxes were too thin. Lenovo took over IBM’s ThinkPad brand – thin margins and all — and is chewing up the U.S. PC market待到误解凭借摩托罗拉品牌转入美国智能手机市场时,Android设备厂商们可有得不受了。I wouldn’t want to be selling Android boxes when Lenovo enters the U.S. smartphone market with the Motorola brand.必须留意的是:Those caveats:o 国际数据公司和低德纳公司都没将iPad或平板电脑视作个人电脑,尽管低德纳算上了它所说的移动个人电脑(但没算上Chromebook),而国际数据公司将上网本和Chromebook都算上了。

平板电脑销量虽然有所上升,但如果将平板销量统计资料在内,苹果将是美国仅次于的个人电脑厂商,而不是不敌第四位。o Neither IDC nor Gartner counts iPads or tablets as PCs, although Gartner counts what it calls mobile PCs (but not Chromebooks) while IDC counts both netbooks and Chromebooks. Tablet sales may have slowed, but if they were counted, Apple would be in the No. 1 PC maker in the U.S., not No. 4.o 上季度美国个人电脑销量剧增,是因为微软公司(Microsoft)从四月份开始仍然反对Windows XP,这促成IT经理们换成了数百万台老旧的Windows电脑。而苹果Mac的销量没类似于的剧增。

o PC sales in the U.S. got a bump last quarter because Microsoft in April discontinued support for Windows XP, prompting IT managers to replace millions of aging Windows boxes. The Mac got no such bump.低德纳和国际数据公司的公开发表预测是“可行性的”,而且不能证实。苹果发布每季度的Mac销量,但会分别发布在各国市场的销量。2013年二季度,苹果在全球卖出了375万台Mac电脑。

据低德纳和国际数据公司称之为,其中有170万台Mac电脑被运往美国。o Gartner’s and IDC’s public estimates are “preliminary” and not verifiable. Apple releases quarterly Mac unit sales, but doesn’t break them down by country. In Q2 2013, it sold 3.75 million Macs worldwide. According to Gartner and IDC, 1.7 million of those Macs were shipped to the U.S.以下分别是国际数据公司和低德纳得出的2014年二季度各大厂商个人电脑在美国市场的发货量(从上至下一次为惠普、戴尔、误解、苹果、东芝及其他)。


